Greetings, Friends of TVD,
The sun continues to shine in California, which this week had the lowest COVID-19 case rate in the continental US with only 40 new cases per 100,000 people on Wednesday (three times lower than the national average of 135). In related good news, both San Mateo and Santa Clara counties are receiving more and more vaccine from both the State, and next week a big shipment from the federal government. Vaccine appointments are easier and easier to get, and I encourage you to get yours! Learn more at our FAQ, “How Do I Get My COVID-19 Vaccine”
Do you or your friends need more encouragement to be vaccinated? Please read Dr. Abrams piece below on How to Discuss Vaccine Hesitancy. I might also suggest a look at a study out of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis published yesterday which found that people who had Covid-19 seem to face a much greater risk of death and need more medical care in the six months after their diagnosis, even if they had a milder form of the disease. Specifically, between one and six months after getting sick, patients who had Covid-19 had a 60% higher risk of death than those patients that never had Covid-19. Patients who had Covid-19 also had a 20% greater chance of needing more medical care over the six months after their diagnosis. Vaccine up, people!
In the meantime, read on for our Dr. Jennifer Abrams’s take on how to discuss “vaccine hesitancy” with your friends and family, more thoughts on keeping our kids healthy and sane from our pediatrician Dr. Jackie Phillips, an update on COVID vaccine immunity from Dr. Prerana Sangani, and another cameo appearance of yours truly (and my trusted MA, Kimmie), in our TVD Good News section below.
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Eric Weiss, MD, April 23, 2021
NOTE: CV🦠News is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.
Tune in for another segment of our interview with Dr. Eric Weiss and Medical Assistant Kimmie Butler! This week, we learn about what makes The Village Doctor so special to them, and such a unique place to work.
The short answer is that we are not entirely sure. The vaccine simply has not been in distribution long enough to have data that speaks to duration of immunity.
Dr. Susan Bailey of the AMA in an interview with Healthline said that, “the people [in the Pfizer study] have had the vaccine the longest, and it tells us it lasts at least 6 months.” “But it’s definitely longer than that — it’s not just going to drop off after 6 months. I would have been concerned if efficacy had dropped by a third or half.”
Prerana Sangani, MD, April 23, 2021
Vaccine concerns are understandable, and acknowledging and respecting this is important. Most people are simply trying to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones.
Ask your friend about the nature of their concerns – to better understand where they are coming from and to be able to provide the most helpful information and resources.
Some information that can be offered for the most common vaccine concerns:
- “I’m worried about rushed vaccine development”
- It is remarkable how quickly modern science has been able to respond to COVID-19 vaccine needs.
- But vaccine development really hasn’t been rushed. Identifying that the spike protein is the target of the coronavirus and making vaccine with spike proteins began in 2003 after the first SARS, so this has actually been a 17-year vaccine development program, supported by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) initially.
Jennifer Abrams, MD, April 20, 2021
One fact that parents, teachers, pediatricians and psychologists can generally agree on is that kids of all ages do their best when there are routines and structures in their life. This past year has thus undoubtedly been difficult on some level for most children, even if they were seemingly able to adjust well to their new normal. Sure there are some silver linings that have been found, but as restrictions loosen, most families are genuinely excited to slowly re-open their social circles and many to have their kids return to “in-person school” (which wasn’t even a phrase before last March!)… Read more
Jackie Phillips, MD, April 20, 2021
If you have made it this far, time for a reward, something to lighten your day, and acknowledge the human spirit. Find some escape, or perhaps even inspiration, in this ever-growing collection of works and perspectives gathered from around the world. Please contact me directly if you have come across something that has lifted your heart today. Dr. Eric Weiss
San Francisco commemorated the 115th anniversary of 1906 earthquake
On Sunday April 18th, San Francisco community members gathered to commemorate the 115th anniversary of the infamous 1906 earthquake. Mayor London Breed led the ceremony at Lotta’s Fountain on Market Street while dressed in period clothing. The fountain was a meeting spot for victims of the quake to reunite with their loved ones. Every year a moment of silence is observed to remember those who lose their lives. The ceremony also included 30 second of fire engine sirens. Former Mayor WIllie Brown thanked and commemorated those who helped rebuild this great city.
Read more here!
Climate activist cleans up litter at Eaton Canyon for 636 days and counting
Edgar McGregor, 20, has made it his mission to spruce up the popular trails at Eaton Canyon in Pasadena. He has been doing so for 636 and counting. He estimates he’s removed about 15,000 pounds of trash. He fills up at least two buckets of trash every day, and with the money he gets from the recycled trash, he buys and plants trees! Even environmental activist Greta Thunberg has congratulated him on social media. What a fantastic way to celebrate Earth Week by commemorating his accomplishments!
Read more about his efforts here.
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Again, CV🦠News is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.
Yours, in health and resilience,
Eric and the TVD MD team…