As an acupuncturist, many people tell me they want to try acupuncture, but nothing is wrong with them. I usually say that’s “great!” and leave it at that. In truth, however, I’m pretty sure I can find something
Announcing the 13th Annual Skin Cancer Screening
Once again, there is a lot to bring to your attention this month! Let me start with inviting you to our 13th Annual Free Stanford Skin Cancer Screening at our office on Thursday, September 19th, 5:00-8:00pm. A longstanding
Open Enrollment and Pediatrics
We’re entering Open Enrollment season for health insurance — the time during which individuals and employees can add or make changes to their existing coverage. When your open enrollment window opens, take advantage of any resources made available
I want to give a big shout out an important book entitled How Your Story Can Set You Free, written by Heather Box and Julian Mocine-McQueen. Heather is the niece of a very good friend, who writes that
Guides to Vitamins and Herbal Supplements
With the bewildering number of vitamin and herbal supplements out there, I am often confused as to a product’s exact ingredients and sometimes its basic purity and safety. And as long as a supplement does not claim to
There are some famous parasites I studied back in my days at the London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (see Loa Loa!), but only recently did I learn that many of us host a common, small parasite
As an acupuncturist, many people tell me they want to try acupuncture, but nothing is wrong with them. I usually
Announcing the 13th Annual Skin Cancer Screening
Once again, there is a lot to bring to your attention this month! Let me start with inviting you to
Open Enrollment and Pediatrics
We’re entering Open Enrollment season for health insurance — the time during which individuals and employees can add or make
I want to give a big shout out an important book entitled How Your Story Can Set You Free, written
Guides to Vitamins and Herbal Supplements
With the bewildering number of vitamin and herbal supplements out there, I am often confused as to a product’s exact
There are some famous parasites I studied back in my days at the London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene