CV🦠News, Week of August 24, 2020
Be well, stay safe, TVD friends, For those of us living in California, much less the San Francisco peninsula, this has been a harrowing week of smoke and fire, of asthma flairs, evacuation alerts, and for some, the
CV🦠News, Week of August 24, 2020
Be well, stay safe, TVD friends, For those of us living in California, much less the San Francisco peninsula, this has been a harrowing week of smoke and fire, of asthma flairs, evacuation alerts, and for some, the
CV🦠News, Week of August 17, 2020
What a crazy week, TVD friends, I hope that this newsletter finds you safe, and well. The Team at The Village Doctor is holding all of you affected by this week’s California wildfires close in our respective hearts.
Mental Health for Children and Teens
Due to the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), mental health for children are also affected like adults due to physical distancing, quarantine, and nationwide school closures all over the world. More so, staying at home in isolation
CV🦠News, Week of August 10, 2020
Political greetings, TVD friends, In a word: Kamala! In a few more words: read, talk, learn, get involved, VOTE! NOTE: CV🦠News is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded
CV🦠News, Week of August 3, 2020
Somber greetings, TVD friends, So for all our complaining about San Mateo County being back on the “watch list” we must, as global citizens, pause and reflect on the horror inflicted upon Beirut, Lebanon on Tuesday.
CV🦠News, Week of July 27, 2020
Greetings, TVD friends, Ugh, so we (San Mateo County) are back on the “watch list”. On Wednesday, July 29th, State officials noted, “San Mateo County is experiencing an elevated case rate that exceeds the State threshold. The
CV🦠News, Week of August 24, 2020
Be well, stay safe, TVD friends, For those of us living in California, much less the San Francisco peninsula, this
CV🦠News, Week of August 17, 2020
What a crazy week, TVD friends, I hope that this newsletter finds you safe, and well. The Team at The
Mental Health for Children and Teens
Due to the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), mental health for children are also affected like adults due to
CV🦠News, Week of August 10, 2020
Political greetings, TVD friends, In a word: Kamala! In a few more words: read, talk, learn, get involved, VOTE!
CV🦠News, Week of August 3, 2020
Somber greetings, TVD friends, So for all our complaining about San Mateo County being back on the “watch
CV🦠News, Week of July 27, 2020
Greetings, TVD friends, Ugh, so we (San Mateo County) are back on the “watch list”. On Wednesday, July 29th,
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