
Mo in the Mirror?

Double entendre aside, and a big shout out to my friend the ZDogg regardless (check him out here, he is awesome!), yes my friends it is Mo-vember once again! It is time to be grateful, thankful, and definitely

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Personally speaking…

I am so thankful to have been a part of this special practice for the past seven years. I am surrounded by such skilled, gifted, compassionate colleagues. And I get to witness the response by our extraordinary members

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Gratitude and your Overall Health

While contemplating and creating the content for this brief article, I realized just how amazingly synergistic gratitude and massage therapy can be in practice. Both are vital components to any wellness regimen that seeks to build and maintain

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New Stanford Hospital

Ten years and $2 billion. But really it is much more than that. I was in the new Emergency Department last night touring and sharing stories from 1991 when we brought on the first eight residents to our

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Thank you, Dr. Sangani

I have a special person to express gratitude towards this month. As many of you know, Dr. Prerana Sangani has been helping me cover Dr. Jenn Abrams’ practice over the past several months while Dr. Abrams has been

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