
Gratitude and your Overall Health

While contemplating and creating the content for this brief article, I realized just how amazingly synergistic gratitude and massage therapy can be in practice.

Both are vital components to any wellness regimen that seeks to build and maintain overall health; and are highly effective pain relievers that strengthen the immune system, lower heart rate and blood pressure. Since gratitude and massage also help to reduce stress and tension, it can be said that they are the ideal combination in healing the mind, body and spirit, for vitality, longevity and well-being. 

John Henry Jowett wrote “Gratitude is a vaccine and antitoxin; an antiseptic.” I’d like to think he meant to include massage as well.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be of service to those in need or want of therapeutic massage, and am grateful that my skill set is a well-received source of relief to all of whom I am fortunate enough to meet and affect through the power of touch.

I greatly look forward to meeting you on your wellness journey.

Kyna Forbus, LMT/CMT
Massage Therapist