Travel Medicine
“Here are your shots. Don’t drink the water.”
That’s not how we define travel medicine at The Village Doctor. Never have. Never will.
Travel Medicine is much more nuanced than simply going to a government website and giving you country-specific advice and a few prescriptions.
Good advice depends not only on your current state of health, but also where you are going, which countries and in which order, how long you’re staying, how adventurous you’re feeling, and even (or especially) your taste for risk, politics, and street food. It’s a long list.
But, the answers to those questions can be critically important when you’re thousands of miles away from home.
In addition to being available by phone around the clock, we also have relationships with health organizations around the globe should you need more immediate care.
At The Village Doctor, we have the time, the expertise, and the tools to make sure your trip is everything you want it to be.
P.S. We travel extensively ourselves. So in addition to knowing how to take care of our well-travelled clients, we know that you walk down to Machu Picchu, not up.