Holiday greetings, TVD friends!
Although it is difficult to get into the holiday spirit this week, it is more important than ever. COVID is surging, people are anxious, sheltering-in-place has taken on a new sense of urgency… and your friends, family and loved ones need your support more than ever. Please reach out to a few of your loved ones today to check-in. A friend’s tragedy reminds me that although we worry about COVID infections, the usual challenges to our health are also still out there, and some, including depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol use, are also surging. Please read the below sad, sad story to be reminded of the need to reach out and hug your children.
“My Beautiful Baby Boy is flying home to be with Jesus. I wanted the world to know why. If you know me, you know I don’t do embarrassed. I will never be ashamed of my children. I do real. If one person can save their baby, then this post isn’t a waste of my time.
My son took drugs. But he didn’t simply overdose. Drugs are filled with extra fatal poisons now. He was in the shower hoping to feel better and come home for Thanksgiving when his heart just stopped.
From talking to friends I have found out that this has been a tragically common theme this year. Multiple children have been lost in a very short period of drug use.
I implore you all to tell your kids what is happening. These are not the drugs of 20 years ago most people survived and even kicked. These drugs are a quick and horrific game of Russian roulette that ends their lives based on a couple of young and dumb decisions.
It starts with a few pain pills either taken for a need like an injury or passed around from a naive parent’s medicine cabinet. Don’t underestimate pills simply because a doctor has prescribed them.
My Alexander wasn’t a long term addict, not to say anyone is any better, I say this to warn you. You don’t have years to fix this. This addiction to Fentanyl that took my baby is vicious. Evil and my baby was in too much pain. He is better now. I am strong. Do not feel sorry for me. I hurt to indescribable measure, but I will hurt bc my Baby, he’s worth it. And I will not let this be a secret because that would be a lie.
I love you, Alexander, I know you can hear Mommy, I need you to know I’m ok. I will never stop missing you. I still need you but I’ll see you again and Mommy is happy to know you are not hurting anymore.
My beautiful sweet boy ❤️
(Patricia Carini, Nov 28, 2020)
NOTE: CV🦠News is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.
The news of vaccine delivery is some of the best in 2020. Pfizer has started distribution and vaccine administration this week in US hospitals. Health care workers will be the first to receive the vaccine and the local and state health departments will be allocating doses to at-risk populations as more becomes available.
One question that has come up is does the COVID vaccine prevents transmission? Based on the data, Pfizer estimates the vaccine is 95 percent effective at stopping people from getting sick. But no one knows yet whether the vaccine will keep you from spreading the disease. This NY times article explains this in more detail. This is why people need to keep wearing masks even after vaccination. Until a significant portion of the population is vaccinated (around 70%) we will reach herd immunity as a country… Read more
Prerana Sangani, MD, December 12, 2020
Source: Pediatricians Want Kids to Be Part of COVID Vaccine Trials By Arthur Allen (December 15, 2020)
If clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines aren’t expanded soon to include children, it’s unlikely that even kids in their teens will be vaccinated in time for the next school year.
The hurdle is that COVID vaccine makers are only in the early stages of testing their products on children. The Pfizer vaccine authorized for use by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday was greenlighted only for people ages 16 and up. Moderna just started trials for 12- to 17-year-olds for its vaccine, likely to be authorized later this month.
It will take months to approve the use of the vaccines for middle- and high school-aged kids, and months more to test them in younger children. But some pediatricians say that concerns about the safety of the front-runner vaccines make the wait worthwhile… Read more
Sky Pittson, MD, December 17, 2020
The CDC currently defines a “close contact” as someone who has been within 6 feet of an infected person for 15 minutes cumulatively in a 24 hour period starting 2 days before the infected person’s symptoms developed (or 2 days before they were tested if asymptomatic) until the time the patient is isolated. Importantly, this is IRRESPECTIVE of whether either person was wearing a mask or face covering during the exposure. (See our FAQ “What are the implications of the CDC’s new ‘close contact’ definition?” for more information).
If you are exposed, you should stay at home until 14 days after your last exposure per current CDC guidance. During this time, ideally, you have your own bedroom and bathroom and can avoid common areas, but at least should maintain 6 feet of social distance from others at all times and avoid any contact with high-risk individuals. While isolating, you should closely monitor for any symptoms (check your temperature twice a day, watch for cough, shortness of breath, and other COVID-19 symptoms)… Read more
Jackie Phillips, MD, December 15, 2020
If you have made it this far, time for a reward, something to lighten your day, and acknowledge the human spirit. Find some escape, or perhaps even inspiration, in this ever-growing collection of works and perspectives gathered from around the world. Please contact me directly if you have come across something that has lifted your heart today. Dr. Eric Weiss
Love Thy Neighbour
A kind neighbor decided to restore some joy to a child who had his scooter stolen.
The unknown neighbor left the gift with this thoughtful note:
“Hey, neighbor! I saw next door that someone stole your scooter. Not cool 🙁 I remember when I was 13 and someone stole my bike and how sad I felt.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this green scooter! 2020 has been crazy enough. I wasn’t about to let someone steal your joy!
Keep your head up, little man
-your neighbor.”
This unexpected act of kindness put a big smile on the boys’ faces.
Holiday Season Poem
A lovely poem about the magic of Christmas to spread joy and cheer.
Christmas is more than a day in December
It’s all of those things that we love to remember
Its carolers singing familiar refrains
Bright colored stockings and shiny toy trains
Streamers of tinsel and glass satin balls
The laughter that rings through the house and its halls
Christmas is more than a day in December
Its the magic and the love
That we’ll always remember
( M.E. Miro )
A Must-See Christmas Parody
Love this clever mashup of ‘Hamilton’ and ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ by Eclipse 6, an acapella group.
Again, CV🦠News is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.
Yours, in health and resilience,
Eric and the TVD MD team…