
The Village Doctor Newsletter – Week of August 20, 2021

“A” is for all. As in G’day, all!

“B” is for breastfeeding. And August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month. And new babies, I suppose! Please see below for an interesting piece by this month’s Guest Author, Cherie Zappas Tannenbaum, a Nurse Practitioner and Lactation Consultant who comes very highly recommended by TVD pediatricians, Dr. Sky Pittson and Dr. Jackie Phillips.

Speaking of new babies! I am delighted to share that our very own Dr. Jenn Abrams just gave birth to baby girl Eva Ann, “born at 8:36, weighing in at 17lb 14oz, 20.5 inches, and just a bundle of love :)❤️ “ A big hug and congratulations to Dr. Jenn and her family!

“C” is (still) for COVID. I, like all of you, wish this pandemic were more behind us. The good news is that San Mateo County, and the Bay Area, have excellent immunization rates, the hospitals have lots of capacity, and vaccine and COVID testing remain widely available. Unfortunately, however, San Mateo County transmission remains high with our 7-day lagged average reported August 16th is now 16.2 new cases per 100K in the population, slightly increased from 15.2 last week. This is an average of 126 new COVID-19 cases per day compared to 119 new cases per day last week. Note also, the daily number of residents requiring hospitalization due to COVID-19 climbed to 61 yesterday. The vast majority of those hospitalized are unvaccinated. If you are eligible, please get vaccinated. #vaccineuppeople.

“D” is for delta. And diligent. Determined, deliberate, and dedicated also come to mind. With small things we can stay safe, keep our at risk population healthy, and get back to school and the office. Wear a mask, bump a fist or forearm, open a window, keep some distance, be smart. Be diligent.

“E” is for Eric. As in it is again my pleasure to be in your email inbox, and be on your healthcare team.

Be well.

Eric Weiss, MD, August 22, 2021



NOTE: Our TVD Newsletter is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.



The question of the week, do I need a COVID vaccine booster if I received my initial two dose series?

The FDA approved booster doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for those with immunocompromised or weakened immune systems.  The CDC and FDA noted that a weakened immune system in individuals who have had solid organ transplant or on chronic immunosuppressive therapy, cancer treatment and people with HIV… Read more



In addition to abundant and easily absorbed nutritional components, antioxidants and enzymes, breast milk helps to stimulate and strengthen a baby’s immune system and seemingly more now than ever, scientists have been looking at how breastfeeding may protect babies against infections, particularly COVID-19.  In fact, as of last week, the CDC changed their guidance for pregnant and lactating women and now strongly encourages women in both of those populations to get the COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves and likely their babies as well… Read more




 No! While often (but not always) instinctive to babies, breastfeeding is no more instinctive to moms than barbecuing is to dads.  It is learned behavior and gets easier with guidance and practice.

Myth #2.  Everybody HAS pain in the first weeks of breastfeeding.  

No! Pain is common but ALWAYS a sign that something is wrong, can often be prevented, and once the cause is determined can usually be eliminated.  Suffering is not part of breastfeeding.  If you are having pain, please get help!

Myth #3.  “Never wake a sleeping baby.” Read more


Please come to our Kings Mountain Online Art Fair, 2021.  The Fair showcases original art by independent artists. You can live chat with the artists and shop their websites for extraordinary art. Artists have had a challenging time selling their art this year. Please consider supporting them by attending the Fair.  Join this experience by registering now or visit Labor Day Weekend. The Fair will run 10 am – 4 pm, PDT. 

If you are unable to shop, please consider making a donation to support our Kings Mountain Volunteer Fire. Brigade. The Fair’s proceeds support this important community resource which protects all of us in Woodside and on the Peninsula from wildfires and assists in medical aid and rescue. Our Fair is run 100% by volunteers who work hard to support the Fair and KM Fire department.

Thank you for your support,

Kings Mountain Art Fair  


Again, our TVD Newsletter is a labor of love. If you enjoy reading this, please share widely! Was this forwarded to you by a friend? Please subscribe here.


Yours, in health and resilience,

Eric and the TVD MD team…