Do you ever wonder why that one spot in your body always ends up being a pain in the neck? Or back, shoulder, knee, or ankle?! We all have that one specific place in our body that we know well because it tends to hurt. And no matter what we do, however many extreme therapeutic interventions we’ve undertaken, the pain keeps coming back. It’s a mystery and it’s frustrating.
Our bodies narrate how we’ve processed our life thus far. And life has many variables. Be it a car accident, a divorce, or a major loss, these kind of life wounds manifest as tension patterns in our tissue and bone structures, affecting how we carry and hold ourselves. And eventually, leads to ‘chronic pain.’
Serious physical or emotional circumstances can be traumatic. Trauma occurs in the body when we do not have the resources to process an overwhelming experience. Our body goes into survival mode, and there is a part of us that gets stuck in the moment. What is happening at the moment is so unbelievable, we cannot decipher our internal state so we resort to complete disassociation with it and we freeze. The instinctual energy that had been building up momentum to respond gets stuck and then dwells in the physiology of the body as a symptom, until it is released.
The good news is that our bodies are designed to heal themselves and are able to transform trauma.
Different forms of bodywork serve to open pathways in the body that have been blocked.
In the same manner, Craniosacral Therapy works with the central nervous system to dissolve the negative effects of stress held in the body.
Our nervous system is contained within the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord, extending from the bones of the skull all the way down to the tailbone. Similar to the cardiovascular system, the Craniosacral system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the body. It travels with the cerebral spinal fluid in constant motion along the spinal cord, back and forth from them brain to the sacrum. It is not an easily noticeable movement but it is a palpable sensation. During a session, monitoring this rhythm can help clarify the source of obstruction.
There is no need to relive or remember your past. When old wounds are acknowledged in this form, tissue will naturally begin to soften and release. As the expression of the Craniosacral rhythm becomes stronger, the body begins to reorganize and realign from the inside out. The movement of fluid and bones becomes fuller and more symmetrical, allowing space for old tension patterns to decompress.
The work is subtle and inexplicably profound. During a session, you may notice sensations of relaxation such as deeper breathing, warmth, softening of your muscles and joints, and general openness. You may feel as though you are drifting in and out of sleep, or just deeply relaxed. After a session, typically people feel a sense of quiet, clarity and ease. And enjoy more energy and deeper sleep.
“Within every injury is the seed of healing and renewal. The body has been designed to renew itself through continuous self-correction. These same principles also apply to the healing of psyche, spirit, and soul.” -Peter Levine (March 2018)
Paola DiVito, CMT