
Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment

We’re entering Open Enrollment season for health insurance! As you’re probably aware, both employer-sponsored and individual plans have open enrollment windows. Open enrollment is the time during which individuals and employees can add or make changes to their existing coverage, or drop it altogether. It can last anywhere from a few weeks to longer than a month, depending on the terms of the coverage provided by your employer.

When your employer announces the timing of your open enrollment window, take advantage of any resources made available to you to better understand your options. If possible, arrange a meeting with a representative from your insurance provider so you can ask their advice for the coverage that best compliments your membership in a concierge practice.

And remember, when you receive your new insurance card, be sure to provide us with a copy of the front and back so we can update your medical record. Although The Village Doctor is not in network with any insurance providers, current insurance information must accompany any prescriptions, blood or urine samples, and referrals to specialists that are sent by The Village Doctor. (September 2018)

Dana Sanderson