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How is The Village Doctor preparing to provide COVID-19 vaccine?
On Friday, January 8th, we participated in a statewide conference call update on the California COVID-19 Vaccination Program (now called CalVax).
Data so far as of 1/12/2021 in California:
- 2,862,350 doses distributed –544,050 of these have been diverted to long term care institutions
- 889,042 doses have been administered so far
Distribution of the COVID 19 vaccine is being managed by California State health officials and then the local county health departments. All California residents are assigned eligibility to receive the vaccine based on these tiers. The first tier is health care workers and residents of long term care facilities.
Here is California’s updated tier designation as of January 13, 2021.
Please note the important change is now tier 1b includes individuals over the age of 65, previously this was 75.
The Village Doctor has been APPROVED by California COVID-19 Vaccination program to administer the vaccine. What this means is as that the state moves through their tiers we will begin to receive shipments to vaccinate our patients.
In the meantime, The Village Doctor has been working hard to optimize our vaccine storage system with refrigeration and freezer capability. In addition, we are partnering with other local practices to have the maximum storage capacity for both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.
There are many factors that go into safely administering the vaccine to our patients. Our staff and physicians are participating in all recommended training by the CDC and California Department of Health for vaccine administration, observing patients for adverse effects, preparing vaccine cards and ensuring people receive both doses of their vaccine.
The Village Doctor is in communication with leadership at our local hospitals in order to closely monitor the rapidly changing vaccine distribution.
We know that organizations like Stanford, Sutter, UCSF, and Kaiser, after approval from the county and state, will widen vaccine distribution to tier 1b in the coming weeks based upon vaccine supply and county/state guidelines.
If you are able to receive a vaccine elsewhere prior to receiving one though our clinic, do not delay!!!
We encourage you to get your vaccines as soon as you can. (Please let us know if you go elsewhere of course, so we can document your vaccination status.)
Local pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens and Safeway will be receiving vaccines and vaccinating according to the tiers outlined by the state. We are speaking directly with pharmacies and can share that information as we receive it.
For a detailed list of what occupations are eligible for each phase, please go to the California Covid-19 essential workforce webpage to see where you might qualify.
You can also email [email protected] or contact the COVID-19 Information Hotline at 833-422-4255 if you have specific questions about vaccines. There is an online tool that is in development regarding vaccine distribution.
Please stay tuned for updates.
Prerana Sangani, MD, January 11, 2020